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Message from our Publisher and Editor-In-Chief, Nick Slevin


Our thoughts are with all of our readers across the USA and the many challenges and struggles this situation is bringing. We are sensitive to all the teams who are still hard at work in the field and especially our front line Emergency Service personnel, who are tasked with keeping us safe and healing us when we are sick.
The Builder.Media team is staying positive while working remotely under CDC, Federal, State and local government guidelines and protocols, while continuing to publish our e-newsletters, update our websites and publish the magazines for our subscribers. We appreciate the privilege of your readership and are committed to providing content that reflects the adjusted market conditions.
As always, if you have something you would like us to share, simply forward it to me. If you have developed a working protocol, or a healthy and safe work around, we are happy to publish it.
Photos of your teams are welcome! please forward to at your convenience. Stay safe and keep your spirits up. Best regards to each of you and your teams, 
‘This too, shall pass’
Nick Slevin and the Builder.Media Team